Sunday, January 8, 2012

About Me

I was born in Pakistan, but have lived in Indiana since I was 5 years old.  I attended Butler University for my Bachelor degree and worked at St. Vincent Hopital for 15 years.  For the past 5 years I have been teaching at the Islamic School of Indinapolis, MTI as a Biology and Chemistry Teacher.  I also do administrative duties along with teaching.
Since I work full time, I thought it might be easier to manage my time by taking an online course.  I hope that I can do it.  I have always been interested in using more technology tools in my classes, but I am not familiar with many of the latest tools, like this blog!   I have enrolled in the Learning by Design masters in Education program. 
I am not sure where this course of education will take me, considering the job market. But, I am hoping it will give me skills in both teaching and managment.

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