STEM and WEB 2.0 Tools

MTI STEM would like to invite all Middle and High School Teachers to join us in a seminar about the role of Techonology in the study of Math and Science.  With the new initatives proposed by the government, to improve the level of our students in these subjects, it is imperative that all teachers learn these skills.  Upon completion of the course teachers will receive Knowledge Badges which can be used towards completion of a certification.

The Course outline is as follows:

Lesson 1:  What is STEM Education?
                  Using Web 2.0 tools to share knowledge.

Lesson 2:  Using Technology to transform learning.
                  Creating New lesson plans with Web 2.0 tools

Lesson 3:  Learning through collaboration.
                  PLCs and collaboration in the classroom

To Register for your class please email Neelum Safdar at

Once you have registered use the following code to access the full lesson plans :

<iframe src="" width="300" height="220" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

 Small and Large Badeges will be earned upon completion of course.  These can be applied towards an industry certification.  You will also receive 5 PGPs towards license renewal:

Small Badge : earned at successful completion of each lesson

                                                                           Large knowldege Badge achieved at end of course

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